It is the end of our Coaster - the van is dead...

If you read my last update you would notice that I started with the biggest Murray of all time ever. What was I thinking by publishing my feelings on the van being sound to the whole world - insanity is the only way to describe it.

The engine gave up 40 km South of Tenents Creek, 1500 odd kms from Cairnes. I have no idea why, it was full of oil when we left - but had none after 450kms with no sign of a leak and it certainly was not burning that much! Anyway - I managed to hitch a ride into town and arrange for us to be towed back, it cost us a battery charger and two full jerri cans of fuel. After trudging around town Julia and I found someone that gave us a grand for The Queen Liz - which is actually not as bad as it could have been as at least the van is not being scrapped (I could not do that to the old girl).

We now have to pack up our stuff and start using the coaches again - not a happy thought, but we'll get used to it. May Liz (aka the Phamtom Tapper) rest in peace at her new hostel home and serve the punters there well as an extra room. May the staff at WA autos grow large warts and never sell a car to anyone else again.

Site design by Stuart Chaney and updated lovingly by Guy Barrett. Please spit on Chris Steel from a great height because he sold us the pile of shit and insisted that it would last the distance.
Site services are now available, please infect WA Autos with the plague and send them letter bombs or add any comments to the boardroom / send an email to chaney10@go.com

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