The Asia Journals



Here are all the updates from our travels in South East Asia (Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore) :

~ The Beginning ~
~ Arriving Safely -stu ~
~ Jungle Fever 17/11/2001 -stu ~
~ Barloo 17/11/2001 -Bhav ~
~ Footy 29/11/2001 -stu ~
~ Poetry Corner -stu ~
~ Beach!! -Bhav ~
~ Kangaroo Bar 29/11/2001 -Bhav ~
~ Kuala Lumpur 04/12/2001 -Bhav ~
~ JULIA!! 06/12/2001 ~
~ 10/12/2001 -Bhav ~
~ 11/12/2001 -stu ~
~ 11/12/2001 -Julia~
~ 14/12/2001 Julia ~
~ Two Ausies and a mad Sweed -Bhav ~
~ Hasi Raya Games -stu ~
~ 18/12/2001 -Julia ~

India, Nepal and Cambodia from Steve
Vietnam Journals from Stu and Steve
Loa and Thailand from Steve

~ The Beginning ~

Well, it's all settled and done with a few alterations. We have all now handed in our resignations and have nearly finished bringing our affairs to a close in the UK. There are some leaving drinks to arrange and a bit of travel shopping left to be done, but we have our tickets and are determine to go.

A few alterations include a visit to Figi and Samoa after seeing New Zealand and before seeing America. Julia will be joining us in Singapore at the start of December, Bhav Marie and myself are flying out to Bangkok at the beginning of November. We are all flying from Singapore to Perth late December where we will stay until early June. From Sydney we'll fly over to Auckland to spend just under 3 months in New Zealand. Mid August we fly to Nadi and then straight on to Apia Faleolo for a week or so in Samoa before going back to Nadi to spend a few days in Figi. In early September we fly to the USA from Figi, but sadly without Julia who will then make her way home. Of course you have to bare in mind that we have nearly 10 months to work on her and you never know (especially with women). Anyway - dates are set and parties must be had by all...

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~ Arriving Safely -stu ~

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It appears the guys made it in one piece. Quite an achievement really seeing as between them they have the organisational skills of a rabid parrot. I've been given the task of updating the site with our intrepid bunch of heroes' progress as they go along, so this is the first instalment. There will be photos soon (hopefully, my html skills are particularly pants) if they manage to take some without Bhav or Stu trading their cameras in for a steamy night with a lady boy. # Guy

'We made it out ok - flight seemed to go on for ever, but at least I got to see cats and dogs and the planet of the apes (twice). We have spent a couple of nights in medium accommodation, 14 quid a night, pool, air con, on suit... Starting smack in the center of the city, Bhav instantly made a friend - Sung The tuk tuk driver. He spotted B as being a friendly sort and that there may be a few bahts to be made out of him. Talk about not giving up, he followed us everywhere - tuk tuk drivers (tuk tuks are 3 wheel cab type things) hail you rather than you hailing them, but if you say no they move on. Sung however did not and B eventually had to take a tour of the city with him, of course he was dropped off at every one of Sungs mates shops on the way...

Being British and in Asia for the first time, we could not help but spend the first few nights drunk on incredibly cheap whiskey and drinking lager at the street bars - but we did get to see Bangkok away from the backpackers and tourist spots. Stalls line the streets, frying up all sorts of wickedly hot food, selling electronics, clothes and all sorts of other stuff.

We're now in a backpackers paradise area of Bangkok (a quid a night guest houses). Still loads of street sellers, but more geared towards the tourist. I managed to pick up a Sony MP3CD player for half the original asking price after 30 mins of haggling (not out in the UK yet, if ever).

Exploring the city we soon found the red light district (fluke honest) - all I can say is that, yes Bangkok is far more in your face than Amsterdam and yes, plenty of ladyboys. The funny thing was, we found and stayed for a while in an American rock bar called Woodstock I think. It was very calm in there, but it's neighbours were The G spot and the Titty Twister (open from dusk till dawn - I kid you not).

Anyway - at the moment we're waiting for the over night train to take us to Chiang Mai. Here we have booked a jungle trek that includes 3 days of walking, half a day on elephants, waterfall pool swimming, bamboo rafting (and again) and hill tribe visits. We'll let you know how it goes, I can't wait but Bhav is a little worried. He's not really a jungle type of guy as his friends will tell you. By the end of this hopefully the man will have conquered his fear of animals, water and walking for more than 10 minutes in one swoop.' - 09/11/2001

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~ Jungle Fever 17/11/2001 -stu ~

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Chiang Mai is a great little city in the North of Thailand. It's cooler and far less smelly compared to Bangkok and the whole place is just a little more relaxed. Getting there was easy on the train - nice sleeping quarters and all that. The best thing though was the venger carriage - Thai disco music being blasted at full volume, free flowing beer, all the windows down and the carriage bouncing everywhere. This had the great effect of making everyone look like they were dancing to this amazingly cheesy happy-go- go disco music.

We stayed at a guest house, about 10 minutes walk from outside the city centre. Friendly atmosphere and good bathrooms made it the place to be - hot water!!! This place came as part of the deal when we booked our trek, therefore we met up with some others that were going on the trek. The English got put together and as luck would have it we ended up with four other girls and one bloke. Good bunch, but only on a two week holiday here...

We got driven up to the mountains via a market to get supplies, water bottles a-plenty. The first task was mounting an elephant (so many comments can be made here), something we've all tried of course (not easy). The elephants took us round the block, through a bloody deep river. The drivers (well what would you call them??) seemed to enjoy racing the massive beasties around and at one point our driver just got off and let the damned thing do what it wanted. By this time I was practically holding Marie and myself on the trunked eating machine, cos our seat was falling through.

Anyway, after the elephants chased us back into the van, we went a few more miles up the mountain road before getting off and beginning the trek. I think it was 10 minutes before Bhav looked like he had been thoroughly violated and had collapsed, we're talking STEEP. The first day was by far the hardest and hottest, I have never sweated so much in my life (two T-shirts got thrown away). This was probably because I was carrying Bhavs pack and water bottle as well as my own to ease the obvious pain he was going through. The topless wonder eventually caught us up, collapsed in front of the multi-national crowd and was fanned back to life by the trek guides.

The first night was spent in a small village hut, dinner was cooked up and the drinking began. I thought it was going along fine until I decided to sit down with the trek guides for a little break from the piss up that was going on round the corner. Half an hour later I was out of my face, the reason - raw pork chilli stuff and rice whiskey homebrew. From this point forward I have no idea what happened, other than at some point I woke up on Marie in the most confused state ever - not knowing where I was, who I was with and how the hell I got there.

The next day we trekked to another village and stopped there for lunch. Sarah had fun juggling a very large spider that jumped out of a water bag at her - the whole village was brought to a standstill with her scream. The last stop was a waterfall pool that we swam around in for a while - B even gave it a go, Marie holding on to him all the way. After some tucker we sat down round a camp fire, and played the bongos and guitar - buffalo man showed us some wicked elephant dance type thing.
Guy - you were needed here for some sing along action

The night was spent on some bamboo beds out in the open - I was kept awake most of the time by a quacking noise that only Mer, B and I could hear (worrying that). The highlight of the night was Screaming Sarah - a big red ant had decided to camp out in her earhole, ten minutes of madness followed before the ant had obviously got what he came for and just strolled on out.

The trek was rounded off by some bamboo rafting - I was given a pole and told to steer this fifteen foot raft through some (mostly slow moving thank god) rapids whilst standing up. Not exactly in a position to say no (stood on a raft in the middle of a river) I have to say that I was damned good and did not fall in once.

All in all - trekking here is one of the coolest things I have ever done, and nearly everyone I speak to agrees. DO IT DO IT DO IT!

We are now in Hua Hin - about 240 km south of Bangkok. It's a bit touristy for my tastes, but the slow pace and beach is a welcome break. The bars are full of hookers though - but it's just the way things are out here. I guess we'll get used to it, I don't think Bhav even noticed (mind on the north London derby). We met up with a couple of Americans last night and introduced them to Soccer Drinking Frenzies. Needless to say we embarrassed ourselves in style and drank them under the table several times.

That concludes my part 2 - I hope you are all well out there, take care. stu

So it appears our ambassadors are spreading love and joy wherever they go. However, one thing seems wrong. Bhav was slated and never even got the chance to defend himself. Handily enough he has also sent me a mail describing the trip so below is Bhav's chance to show the world what a macho king he really is. Plus, if you're reading this Bhav, try and get a paper whilst you are out there to see the Sol Campbell 'Judas' story. # Guy

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~ Barloo 17/11/2001 -Bhav ~

Am back from Trekking, It it was a cool experience. And yes it nearly killed me and showed that I am quite clearly the most unfit person in the world, even the guide in his broken English called me King Unfit!

See, everyone? You go Bhav! Way to defend yourself.

It is about midday in Chang Mai and you are all in bed at the moment. I ache a bit but have found some of the muscles in my legs that has disappeared for being a lazy git for the last 2 (24?) years!

The first day we had an elephant ride for an hour, my elephant was a bit naughty and kept stopping to have a quick bite to eat (bit like me really).. After that we had lunch at the waterfall after a half hour walk. Then we began a long walk to the village where we staying that night. I was knackered! It was uphill and very hot. At one point I just laid down and one of the guides came over and started fanning me with a big leaf just to cool me down. Stu also had to carry my rucksack as to carry just my gut had become an issue within twenty seconds.

The Budda thing came up as well and I considered starting my own tribe where I had stopped - as at least it would have meant I didn't have to walk any further! Then I thought you guys would miss me too much ;-). We stayed in the village overnight. The local had some rice whisky and that was harsh stuff. We started a a two hour walk in the morning to the next village where we had lunch - and the another two hours walking in some rice paddy fields where yes I slipped and got my feet and shoes very muddy and smelly.

Overnight we stayed by another waterfall in some Bamboo Huts. In the evening the guides started a fire by the waterfall and one the guides - " Buffolo Man" showed us his Elephant dance and got us all to join in which was cool. I also told our guide that I couldn't swim in preparation for the Bamboo rafting the following day. He just looked at me - confused, paused and said - "Bhav - Why you can do nothing" - summed it up really!

On the last day we walked for another two hours before doing some Bamboo rafting and then had the long drive back to the hotel. All in all it was a fantastic three days but am well tired now.

When we got back we all really needed some western grub some so we stuffed our faces in Pizza Huts and went to watch the Thai Boxing - harsh stuff - they kick as well as punch!!!! There was also Chook fighting going on and then we saw some Thai Lady Boy Cabaret - "Its all good!" Found a Saloon bar which may as well have been the Thai eqiuvilant of Hooters - and I got ruined (first time so far) - I think I'd earned it. Met Chaing Mai Phil - A bloke from London who now lives in Chaing Mai - he was a dirty gooner - so challenged him to a duel on the pool table - I was away with the fairies at this point so the inevitable defeat transpired - hopefully not an omen for Saturday!

Anyways we have our train back in Bangkok today at 4.30 - and we are spending a day there to see the some of the sights we missed and then we start beach hopping through Thailand! Oh and Saturday find a bar and watch Spurs give Sol Campbell the kicking he deserves!!!!!! Hope everyone is well - keep emailing its great to hear from ya! Take care

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~ Footy 29/11/2001 -stu ~

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After all the jungling and city party going - a beach paradise was in order. We started our search by rolling down the south east coast on the rail line visiting first of all Hua Hin; a big tourist resort for both westerners and Thai folk alike. Bars boasting a friendly welcome and a special friend for the night were rife, so much so they outweighed bars not offering the full Thai service. We met up with a couple of Americans and had our first serious chat about the Middle East situation over a civilised dinner.

Of course this did not last long - we invited them to sample the delights of a North London Derby experience - I don't think they knew what hit them. For those of you who know Bhav, an avid spurs fan - you'll know what I mean. The game had the extra spice of Sol (arguably once spurs best player) defecting to the enemy. It was 0-0 at half time and already we have heard every swear word and death threat imaginable - even the hookers were avoiding us. Our friend Greg simply could not believe what was coming out of B's mouth and Suzanne simply smiled as he ranted on.

Then..... in the 81st minute..... - Bhav hears a cheer whilst in the toilet and runs out top find the old dudes sat behind us clapping for the first Arsenal goal.

I think then everyone there learned a lesson. The once mad ranting crazed British Indian fell silent for the next 10 minutes, head in hands. Just as the night looked to be lost - Gus hammered home the 93rd minute equaliser. We all went mental. The hugging, the cheering, the dancing and the drinking all led us somehow to a Thai club.

First club I had been in so far - after being told not to sit on ther bar we found a suitable spot to sit. No dance floor though and our feet were itching. It took 10 minutes to clear some chairs and tables aside and get some locals to get up and dance to the band. The dancing was silly and more than likely, completely unsuited to the music. We are staying in touch with are first American friends of the trip - hopfully we should see them again next summer. If you are reading this Suz and Greg - thanks for putting up with us that night, my memory of the event stops just outside the club. Take care and stay in touch if you can....

After a few beach days in Hua Hin we moved on to Prachuap Khiri Khan - a small village with little to report back about. We moved onto Chumphon with the idea to go onto Ko Tao and do some island hopping before the full moon party on Ko Phangan - but the wind was up and the boats were not sailing. This forced us over to the west coast - Rangong. We aranged a island visit to Ko Phyam and stayed there for three nights.

Three nights for chilling on a beach straight out of a story book. Nothing to do but relax, swim, get a tan, sit round a fire at night, eat and drink, play silly games.... Three on a double bed was a little bit on the cramped side but not much to put up with on the grand scale of things.

The last day I caught some sort of damned bug - and then had to put up with a 2 hour boat ride and 7 hour bus trip to Phuket, where I am right now. These buses are not pretty either. Reflective metal interia, uncushioned seats and 3 on seats designed for 2 makes for a painful 7 hours.

It's over with now though and we've been in Phuket 3 nights. Good beach, nice people, very expensive! I've missed out on the piss-ups as my bug slowly fades from my system - but Mer and B can fill you in on what they've been up to. The one thing I did manage to do was get round the horror house; Maries idea to scare Bhav. What an own goal that turned out to be. The walk was surposed to last 20 minutes - we got round in 5 cos Mer ran everywhere SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, Pulling me and Bhav with her. I don't think she banked on so many people being in there dressed up ready to jump out and scare her; then, after realising Mer was easy prey, chase her down the corradors....

We're now officialy en route to Singapore to pick up Julia - our bus picks us up here and takes us to Hat Yai where we have to sort out some train tickets to KL.

Take it easy everone - luv to the family.... Stu x x

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~ Poetry Corner -stu ~

There was this goat called Ron, who built this huge bannana bomb,

When he lit the fuse, He thought he had nothing to loose,

... so he gave it to his mate Tom.

There was this rabbit called Tom, Who was given this huge bannana bomb,

When he saw that it was lit, He really really needed a shit,

... so he gave it to a bloke called John

I have this great mate John, in his posession - a large bannana bomb,

He knew it was lit, but did not give a shit

... cos this is the end of my song

Thank you England - Good night!!!

(rice whiskey rules!!!!)

Kinda gets you right here, doesn't it? What me? No. There's just something in my eye that's all. #Guy

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~ Beach!! -Bhav ~

Well we've reached Phuket, but what a Journey.... We arrived on our Beach Paradise no probs, although the boat was blatantly overloaded and load of water slipped into the boat. We got to our Bamboo Bungalow, and basically there was a beach, a small restaurent and loads of White sand, 3km of the stuff. There were also Hammocks..... and you'll not be surprised to hear that I had broken one of them within ten minutes of getting on it.(Stu and Marie had been on the same hammock for ages, and I can say almost for certain they had loosened the baby up for it to split on me with embarrassing consequences).

We left the Island on Sunday morning at 8am, and combined with two bus journies finally arrived in Phuket at 5.30. The buses were hot, packed with passengers and literally stopped every 30 seconds to pick up more. I had a sore arse when we finally arrived.... Anyways, had an early night last night in Phuket Town and off to one of the beaches in a minute where some cool night-life is definetely the order of the day!

Hope everyone is cool..... Lots of love Bhav

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~ Kangaroo Bar 29/11/2001 -Bhav ~

Well our time in Phuket is almost at an end.... and eventful three days it has been.

We got the friendly Mr. Chan to drive us from Phuket town to Patong beach, where Stu and I proceeded to look for suitable dwellings for three nights.... We found a hotel, 8 quid a night for all three of us, with en-suite shower, breakfast table area and Cable TV!!!!! We chilled for a while and then went into the centre of Patong for much fun and merryment, having downed the customary 80p bottle of cheap Thai Whisky before we left. Had a quick drink in a cool but quiet bar. We walked along, and saw this massive place, the "House of Horrors", so we went in. We were told we would walk through a load of scary rooms where actors were strategically placed to scare the shit out of you. At this point I shall quote my good friend Marie just before we got in

"Can't wait for this, It's gonna be so funny, Bhav's gonna shit himself"

The walk through the House of Horror should take 20 minutes. We went in at 10:35. We got to the end at 10:40, why? Cos the pansy lightweight Mrr screamed and sprinted through the building at breakneck speed. Yep, it was great being smug after the event.

After that we watched some May Thai, I got a little attached to one of the boxers, cos he was getting a pummelling, and he was in Blue, (his opponent was in Red and I can never follow anyone wearing that colour....), he got battered, but I made sure I tipped him top doller, well okay one quid! After that we headed onto the Kangeroo bar, having avoided all the strip lady boy shows and prositutes, there are loads of them in Phuket, and had a few beers to wind up the night. Tuesday was quieter, we stayed in and held a serious debate night, which lasted 5 minutes

Yesterday we actually managed to make it down to the beach. A nice beach, and I managed to join in on a game of Beach Footie with the locals. My first touch led to a goal for the others, and my record of not scoring on foriegn soil continues. Had a Curry to start of the night, a proper one and it was great. Then bar crawled around the many bars, ending back up at the Kangeroo bar. I was quite bolloxed, and then started on the Sambuca which wasn't a good move. On the way home, I had to fend of a couple of Lady Boys with a a couple of fags (all quite ironic really).

Now we have three to four days of solid travelling, all the way to Singapore to hook up with Julia. I think I will be a sweaty smelly mess when we get there.

Anyway, I think I've rabbited enough, all that left to say is Phuket is great.... and hope everyone is cool!

Lots of Love


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~ Kuala Lumpur 04/12/2001 -Bhav ~

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Dear all,

Since I last wrote we have been to Kuala Lumpar and Singapore, where we are now. Our trip to Kl was horrendous though. We booked our ticket on the bus from Phuket, which left Thursday last week at 7.30pm, and then we changed near the border of Malaysia at 4am (we were told it would be 20 minute wait to change) and then direct to Kuala Lumpar to arrive at 4pm Friday.

What actually happened was that we got the border at 3am, and the next bus did not leave until 9.30am so we had to wait in the street for 6 hours. Lucklily Stu went to a hotel and they allowed us to stay in their hotel lobby until our departure. Anyway, we left at around 10am and then there was another change we were not told about in Butterworth. Again, we though it would be 20 minutes, but when we got to the travel agent he said we would not be leaving until 11.30 Friday night. If we wanted to leave earlier we would have to pay an extra 3 quid each. We payed the money, and finally arrived in KL 9pm Friday. We booked into our hotel, quite nice with a hot shower!!!!! They also have cable TV in the reception, and Internet. The moral of this story is 'Never trust a man wearing a Batman Shirt with Orange Shades' (He was the guy we booked our ticket with.)

So, we explored KL town, saw a few of the sights and stumbled across 'Flannigans', the Premier Irish Pub in KL. They even played Irish Music. Stu and I ordered a Pint of Guiness each, it was around two pounds fifty. 'Not bad', we thought, 'for center of town.', until we relealised that it was happy hour and that was half price. Having suitibly shat ourselves at the prospect of our entire travel funds being eroded in one night we hastially planned to down our pints and make a sharp exit.... until... Iwrin the barman told us the it was their 5th Anniversary Birthday Party that night and that from 8pm to 10pm all draught Lagers and Wines were free. Fools......... The rest of the night is a blur.... I remember falling arse over tit from a stool, Stu being sent mad by some song that seemed to go on for half an hour (it was the music for the Limbo competion) and me becoming emotionally attached to a balloon.

Anyways we left KL on Monday morning and arrived in Singapore in the evening. We went to a Hostel that parades as an Import Export business but is actually a cheap backpackers haven. The Singaport Govt. has tried on numerous occasions to shut it down. It's called Ali Baba's Nest to those in the know, and the secret password is "we're after a room".

Julia arrives today, so we are off to pick her from the airport soon, Stu and Mrr are still asleep the lazy buggers. Not sure what the plans are after Singapore, I think we'll head back to Kuala Lumpar to take in some of the sights we missed - I really want to go up the Trade towers and then off to a final couple of beach havens before setting off to Oz for Christmas.

Hope everyone is well, miss everyone loads.

Take care

Lots of Love


P.S - Hopefully we'll get some piccies on here soon!

Yes, pictures. With the torrent of badly spelt mails coming from you guys and the rapidly dwindling web space left to my disposal we could really do with some pictures. I may have to start making more Tripod memberships under different names and just do sly links between the sites. Yeah, gonna be a bad ass. - Bring it on!

However, the prospect of pictures has given me the idea for a different theme for the update pages. Seedy tabloid newspaper! Woo!

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~ JULIA!! 06/12/2001 ~

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Hello to everyone - we are in Kuala Lumpar today which is fab.

We got up early this morning (in S'pore) and walked the 15 mins to the bus first bit of actual back packing and in a 30 degree heat, carrying approx 18 kilos, it was pretty heavy stuff!! Anyway, got a local bus over the border to Malaysia, where you have to go through two immigration centres...extremely amusing stuff now, but in the blistering heat with back packs, it wasn't so funny!!! Basically, you have to get off the bus at the S'pore side, go through immigration, then catch your bus to go over the bridge that connects S'pore and Malaysia. All these people were running through and we were wondering what they were up to, until we saw the queue for the bus on the other side of the immigration office....hmmmmm!!!! Anyway, you get back on the bus to go over the bridge to Malaysia, where you get off again and then go through their immigration........and then you are slap bang in the middle of the coach station!!!!

We then got a coach (luxury (!?!) - it had reclining seats and air con) where I sustained my first two bites....think they might have been flea bites, but don't worry Mum - sure there'll be worse to come!!! The coach trip took about 5/6 hours to get to KL and when we got off the hostel we are staying in was literally directly opposite. The others stayed in this one before they travelled down to S'pore to get me and it is really nice. Proper beds and HOT showers - pure luxury!!!! We have just been into town for food (McDonald's - great...a bargain at approx 1.45 pounds for a McChicken meal) and a look round the town. China Town (where we are staying) is a fab place, very different to Singapore. The mixture of races here is much more obvious and Westerner's don't stand out quite so much as in S'pore.

Off to the Twin Towers tomorrow and to a temple that Bhav is keen to explore. He and Stuart are currently sitting outside the hostel with the Game Boy they have just bought....Stuart's haggling skills are very impressive!! Probably off to Penang later this week to do a bit of sightseeing....will keep you all posted.

It's great to hear from you, so keep the emails coming. Take care, JULIAx

So Julia is finally there. Now I think I speak for the rest of the civilised world when I say I am glad. One, because she is safely there. Two, at least we know that Stu and Bhav will always be clean and shaven, will not burp at the dinner table and there will never be a shortage of elastoplast and face wipes. How I live without her now is complete mystery. #Guy

PS: She can spell too! And let's face it, it cuts twenty minutes off getting her mails on the internet (sorry lads).

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~ 10/12/2001 -bhav ~

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Well we left Singapore to come back to Malaysia. Singapore was cool managed to do a boat ride along the Singapore river, check out some of the shops, and had a meal by the riverfront in the evening - a very River Thames Experience.... but a lot clearer. Little India was also very good, we ate Indian food every night, which was a nice change after three weeks of noodles and rice. We have found that Booze is very expensive in Singapore and Malaysia, In KL in a pub it will usually cost three quid for small beer, and even from the Off License the cost is around a quid. We did find a bar in Singapore by the river we found a bar that for around 9 quid you could drink as much as you wanted for three hours, we took them up on that offer, and I really annoyed the barman by going up to the bar every two minutes for a refill, although he did slow me down by serving up larger measures after the first few.

After Singapore we went back to to Kuala Lumpar to the same guest house as it was so friendly, cheap and nice rooms too. We went to the Twin Towers in the morning but missed all the tickets, so just looked round the shops. In trhe afternoon went to the Batu Caves. Amazingly until the day before I didn't even know they were hundu temples inside, but someone of the bus told me about the mandirs and also te 272 steps to inside the caves. Anyways it wasn't too bad, as halfway up there were a load of Monkey's to play with and feed. I actually have more photos now of Monkeys, then my friends and the sites. Inside it was awesome, with Murtee's (Statues on Hindu gods) on the Cave walls, and then a proper place to worship in the caves. I spoke to one Malay person and they said that at Thaisapium (A Hindu Malaysian festival) around a million people congreagate there and one of the rituals is for those that want to, to mutilating theriu bodies by piercing metal objects in them, looks far to painful for me though. In the evening we had a meal in a muslim curry food court where one of the things on the menu was Deep Fried Pigeon.

I loved Kuala Lumpar, probably my favourite place so far. Everyone there is so friendly, and with such a difference in religions, cultures and people everyone there mixes into together and gets on so well.

We left KL on Saturday morning to go to a beach island called Palau Pakora. It is really nice, the beach is clean as you would expect in this part of the world and the weather is great. We have tried the local fruit, Dhuram - which stinks when you open it and tastes like shit when you eat it - they make milk shakes out of the stuff, and something Ramputens, which basically taste like Lychee's. Stu has spent some the afteroon trying to teach me how to swim, but I think he has realised that that may be cause that is lost.

Anyways I have wittered on enough, we are off the Penang tomorrow (meant to be the party beach of Malaysia, and our flight to Australia is now fast approaching, (20th December)

Lots of love



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~ 11/12/2001 -stu ~

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Hello readers - how's the 9-5 treating ya?? (snigger)

After picking up Julia and completing a bit of sight seeing we got down to why we really came out here. Hard core..... drinking. We found a spot by the Singapore river where we could get all we could drink for $22 (about 9 quid) and set about putting the place out of business. Bhav had been to the bar 5 times in the first 5 minutes - not bad 4 a lightweight (in the drinking sense). The beer may have been watered down, but being the British drinking experts - we realised this and just drank twice as much.

We got back about 1am, Jools (who was jet lagged) and I caught up on some kip. Some insane laughter woke me at About 5am - I walked outside into the street to find a totally cross eyed Skippy and Bhav slumped on each other next to a bottle of vodka. An ozzy called Toby was sat there in disbelief wondering what had happened to his drink. Skippy was not even sure if I had been out at all that night (her memory is getting worse, and in some cases - like to just make things up). In case you are not sure who skippy is now, it's mer. Skippy being her knew name on account of how small Kangaroos brain is.

After Singapore we back to KL. There we did a bit of shopping, B and I picked up a gameboy advanced and some pirate games dead cheap. Playing this in our hostel a little later seemed to bring a lot of attention to me - after handing it round I got chatting to a Malay Girl who shall remain nameless for the time being.

4 hours later I had her entire life story and all opinions on the war still being fired at me. I don't really want to post up some of the stuff she said on the internet because quite honestly - it was crazy and scary. Better just leave it saying that I must have got about 5 minutes of talking in in the 4 hours, the rest was just me sitting there in a stunned silence.

Bhav finally rescued me, she seemed to stop after seeing a Hindu and myself being best buds - her views on the English must have come from seeing those football thugs making total arses of themselves on TV.

The next day we tried to make it to the twin towers to get a decent view of KL, unfortunately Bhav and I had been somewhat lazy and we missed out by a few minutes. The towers were an impressive sight none the less.

After KL we bussed and ferried over to a small island called Pankor (off of Lumut). We spent 2 nights next to a gorgeous beach and had a great hotel room with full hot shower privileges. The first night we finally decided that shit head (the card game) was being played far too much and decided that we should give poker a go. One of the hotel guys helped us figure out a version of poker we could play with matches, all attempts by B and myself to get the girls to play strip poker failed miserably - but give it a few bottle of the local brew and I'll let you all know.

The next day was a beach day - I spent most of it in the sea which was so warm it defied belief. I decided to swim right out and round some rocks to see what was on the other side - another beach, with only two people on it. If only B could swim I thought, we could make a flag, swim round and claim it as ours. The swim back took a turn for the worse however - around the rocks I was marvelling at the marine life rushing past me on the sea floor, then, looked up to see one of my worse fears staring back at me. Two, big, mean, ugly, tentically terrifying jellyfish staring back at me. I'm sure one was grinning as the other made a glugging which I'm sure is the jellyfishes way of cracking out an evil laugh.

The following amount of splashing and sheer speed I picked up shocked even me - as I overtook a jetski to get back I remember thinking one thing. THEY'RE IN MY HAIR, THEY'RE IN MY HAIR.

Anyway - it's in the past now. That night, I got thoroughly wasted, Bhav was sick and we all almost got washed out to see on some stupid, 'lets find a rock to sit on' adventure. Some pictures were taken, some memory was lost and we all had a great time.

Bhav had not been sick yet this year, on what could not have been more than 5 cans of Chang beer - he was bitterly disappointed with himself. It was like being at the union again - straight back into the glass he had just drank from, and some more. Conclusive proof that Bhav need to chew his food 5 or 6 times longer was there for all to see.

Leaving Pankor (in shame for B) we headed up to George town on the island of Penang. Staying just the one night before coming to where I am right now - Batu Ferrengi (something like that). Nice people, nice beach, good sea food.

George Town was a small, nice enough city - but with little going on. The only thing to report is Bhav conning the girls out of their room so we did not have to put up with a noisy fan. He now lives in fear of reprisal - and so he should.

The trip to my current location was interesting to say the least. If you wish to become a bus driver on this island you must undergo a new experimental operation to remove all understanding and knowledge of patience. This frees up an area of the brain giving you the added benefit of being able to do an incredible amount of thing at once. For example, you can drive, serve a customer, talk to your friends and fiddle with the money collector box at at the same time and all at a staggering 70 Kph. If there is something in the way - no need to avoid it, slow down or even blink. Simply holding down the horn will clear the path to the next bus stop - no worries.

Anyway - I'm off 4 a swim with Julia now. We met up with a swede and a couple of ozzies today - hopefully we can get them drunk tonight.

luv to the family, and anyone else in need of some.

The Chane

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~ 11/12/2001 -Julia ~

Hello all - we are now in Penang - an island of the far west coast of Malaysia. We have finally found an internet cafe that is fast enough to be able to send more than one mail in half an hour, so I thought I'd update you all.

First of all, I now have in excess of 15 bites. Suffice to say, I am not happy!! One on my back looks particularly bad and has swollen all around to make it look like some sort of graze!! Now that I've whinged, I'll move on.......

Can't remember when I last wrote, but I think it was in Kuala Lumpar. From there we travelled to a remote island called Pulau Pangkor which was lovely. The beach was fab and as soon as we arrived at 17.30hrs, we went straight into the sea. It was still warm and absolutely lovely. That night, we had a great Chinese meal and as the island is mainly Muslim, there is hardly any alcohol, so we opted for a game of poker with the hotel keeper instead. On the subject of the hotel - WOW!! Hot showers, air con, towels and just 100 metres from the beach. Fab!!

The next day was spent on the beach catching a few rays. Amazingly, I didn't burn (left that to Stuart!!) and we tried to teach Bhav to swim -it didn't work!! Stuart went swimming around the local rocks and came face to face with a monster jelly fish - he says he's never swam away from anywhere so fast!! Later that night, we found a restuarant that did sell beer so we drunk literally the entire supply. Cracking beer - 6.5% ensured that we had headaches in the morning!!! Stuart also decided to take us on a midnight exploration of the sea and rocks. Great idea until we nearly lost him down a groove in the sand. Therefore we decided it wasn't such a good idea and headed back!!!

The next day, we headed back to mainland Malaysia and then caught a bus to Butterworth which connects with Penang. The ferry across was huge and we saw the bridge that connects the island of Penang with the mainland......the biggest bridge in S/E Asia and the cars were just dots on the horizon!! We arrived in Georgetown and decided to stay there for a night - the hostel we arrived at was opposite "The Liverpool Bar" (where "you'll never drink alone"!!!) so we had to make Bhav go in (for those not in the know, Bhav is a massive Spurs fan and does not like other Premiership sides, full stop!!). Dragging him into another top league side's bar was punishment for him on account of him fooling me and Marie that the bed in our room was bigger than his and Stuart's and therefore they needed to swap. Stupidly, we fell for it, until we realised the racket that the fan made, but by then it was too late. Don't worry boys, revenge is sweet and we will get you back.

Today we travelled to Batu Ferringhe, which is on the other side of Penang. A much more happening place than Georgetown, so we'll probably stop here for a couple of days. Then it's onto Melaka (which is apparently where Malaysia 'began') for some cultural visits!! Will keep you all posted.

Take care,


Extra pic 1 Extra pic 2 (try and spot stu) Extra pic 3

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~ 14/12/2001 -Julia ~

Julia... 'We're back in Kuala Lumpar'

Dear all - how is everyone?? We are now back in KL, so I'll explain how we got here.

Whilst we were in Penang, we worked out a route that meant we could see a bit more of Malaysia, before we had to go back to S'pore to catch our flight to Australia on 20th December. So we decided to go to Langkawi, an island off the island of Penang. As the beaches (and especially the sea - looked like a british sea!!) were not too hot, we thought that Langkawi would offer us a bit more in terms of lazing on the beach. So we went to book our tickets, but found out that as the Muslims are about to celebrate Hari Raya (end of Ramadam) on 15/16/17 Dec, we would be stuck for both accomodation and travel. That put a bit of a spanner in the works as we then realised we needed to travel more than 500km to get to Singapore. Hari Raya is a massive festival here in Malaysia and thousands of people just flock back to remote island and family retreats, which means that all modes of transport and accomodation are fully booked.

Therefore we left Penang on the morning of 13/12/01 - getting Stuart up at 8.30am was a massive task, especially as he reckons he never agreed to that time. We have taken to playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, to decide who has to wake Stu up in the mornings!!!

The bus to Georgetown ferry (to get back to mainland Malaysia) picked us up right outside a western cafe, which was a bit of a result. Decent cups of tea and poached eggs!! However, Bhav was the first one on the bus that morning and asked for the BUS terminal, instead of the FERRY terminal (not that we realised this until the bus driver chucked us off the bus!!). So, in the blistering heat (hottest it's been so far, I reckon) we had to trek for 30 mins with our backpacks, until luckily we found a coach station shop that had coaches going to KL. This meant we didn't have to catch the ferry, and instead used the Penang bridge (largest/longest bridge in S/E Asia).

After nearly 7 hours on the coach, we got dropped at the other end of KL - they have 2 bus stations and guess which one we got dropped of at?? Yep, the wrong one!!! So finally, we made it to the hostel and thankfully they had beds!! Our evening was pretty tame, with a meal in Chinatown (where whole cooked chickens and ducks (heads included) were hanging close to our table - lovely!!).

This morning, we got up early in an effort to get to the Twin Towers and actually get up the tower (as I said in an earlier email, they only dish out 800 tickets per day). We did get tickets, but they were for a later trip, so we spent the next 1.5 hours lazing in a local cafe in the shopping centre - again, decent cups of tea and chocolate croissants!!! The Twin Towers trip was good - it only took us up to the 42nd floor where the Sky Tunnel is (connecting the two towers), but our ears popped in the lift up, as it went so fast. The views were fab, and the people on ground level looked like dots!! The rest of the building (it has offices up to the 86th floor, but goes on for some way after that) was a bit scary to look up at - didn't feel too bad on the vertigo front, but glad we didn't go any higher!!!

Not sure what we are up to this afternoon - Stuart and Marie are off to the Batu Caves (where Bhav and I went the other day), and Bhav and I might go up the tallest tower in Malaysia (slightly taller than the Twin Towers). This evening, we are hoping to catch the Monsters Inc movie - sounds quite good! We have a coach booked to Malacca tomorrow at 7pm (that's the earliest we could get because of the Hari Raya celebrations - just shows how big they are) and Malacca is apparently where Malaysia 'began' so that will be quite a cultural visit!!

On the Mosquito bite front.....only have a few more, but apparently I am allergic to them and have cream and tablets to stop them swelling up like the one on my wrist - it's double the size of my wrist and looks gross - a great repellent to all the street sellers who keep pestering us!!!

Will write again soon - hope everyone is ok.



Stuart? Difficult to get up in the morning? Surely you're talking about someone else! ... ARRGH! ... The 'Blatant Lie' Police have got me! #Guy.


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~ Two Aussies and a mad Sweed -Bhav ~

Full Size Version

Hello all,

Well since I last wrote we have learnt that it is not very easy to travel in Malaysia during Hara Raya (the end of Ramadam). We went to Penang last Monday and had inteneded moving on to Langawi (an Island off Penang) but were told that it would be tough for us to make our way back to Singapore in in time for our flight to Australia for the 20th. Penang was nice, but the beach was actually quite dirty, but we met some cool Australians,Sam and Ros and a Mad Swede, Jonatan, who on our first night scared us to our very core with his "Would you rather" game where we got the choice of having to shag this hungarian Dovrak, once a month (he described him in great detail) or give up sex for life... I think it would be hard to look at hungarian in the same way again.

We also played the Have you Ever game, where Stu managed to muller me by using all my embarrsing stories to humilate me in front of our new found friends... thanks Stu. But it was a cool night and we picked up some cool travel stories and got some tips for accomadtion and work in Australia. And John H, we have to go to Stolkholm mate, Jonathan has told me about some Law Uni where the quality is meant to be awesome...

Anyways we moved back from Penang to KL, where we arrived in our guest house, and the people there just laughed.... it has been the third time we have been there. It is a cool place though... as everyone there is very friendly and there is lounge where you can meet people. There is guy over from Rajeshtan working at the hostel who has been speaking to me in Gujrati.. I have held my own okay in my broken English/Gujrati, but his speach is so much quicker and more complex than mine.

We went to the Twin Towers and saw KL from a high view (yes we managed to get there in time for the ticket this time)and went to the Batu Caves as I has to feed the Monkies again.

We are now in Malaka , one of the guys said that we had to go there because it was where Malaysia started, and looking at the books there is lots of historical culture to see. We are staying at a cool guesthouse, but there is this annoying fat tosser in there who Marie and I woke up one night and since then he has just annoyed me.... classic line, Stu was telling him about the card Game Shithead and he retorted - "What a vulger name, they didn't call it that in my day" .... wanker....

Last night Me, Jules and Marie went to a light Sound and light show, but when we got there the stand was empty and there was no sounds anywhere. We took our seats in the stand and must have looked like complete idiots sitting in the stand waiting for a show that was never gonna start...

We leave Asia on Thursday for Perth having spent six wonderful weeks here. I would reccomened it to anyone, Cheap, Great People, Great Sites, and great fun Hope everyone is well, I guess back home Christmas Fever is reaching Fever Pitch, my Bruvver tells me that Only Fools is back for Christmas Day, I'm gutted I'll be missing it, but I'm sure it will be nice to be on an Aussie beach swigging cocktails and revelling in an Aussie Xmas.

Miss you all

Lots of Love


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~ Hasi Raya Games -stu ~

OK - where did I last leave off?. Oh yes - our Ozzy and Swede palls. John the Swede, Sam and Roz the Ozzies... We found a half decent bottle of local brew that night and taught each other card games all night with some funky tunes being played out of Micky the MP3 player. All in all a good night until we moved away from the card games and got down to some serious rounds of 'I have never'.

Of course, with all the stored up knowledge of Bhavs university career and Jools 'n' Mer tucked up in bed (about 3am now) - he suffered. Bhav desperately racked his brains for a comeback on me - but being drunk could not think of anything. (Thank you Malay whiskey - I owe you one). In all fairness, I did let B off the hook by not demanding that the game continued - count yourself lucky my good man...

At some point in the game the tree started moving - and with all the dogs and cats gone, we never figured out what was up there. The next day we realised that the island was also home to plenty of monkeys, small shy ones thankfully. After another day of relaxing, and a few more crazy bus rides, we decided to move onto somewhere else - the island of Langkawi was number 1 choice. Unfortunately the Muslim holiday of Hasi Raya when imminent, and everywhere was booked out.

Hasi Raya basically marks the end of Ramadan, a 1 month fast, and the start of the New Year. We decided on Melaka as a good destination for a couple of reasons. It's a historic city (Malaysia was basically born there), with plenty to see and do and it's closer to Singapore where we have to fly out from very soon.

To get there we went back to KL to catch a connecting bus - this was a third visit to the capital and the Hostel owners could not help but laugh when they saw us again. An added bonus was John the Swede being there waiting for us - after all those goodbyes we had to do it all over again a few days later.

Making full use of the extra day in KL, we managed to get up the twin towers (tallest building in the world) and take a few pictures. Not too amazing really, just a bloody tall building. After that Bhav, Skippy, John and I went top the Batu caves - a Hindu temple set in rock and almost 300 steps to climb...

These caves were amazing - statues of Hindu gods set into the rocks and massive stalactites grip to the walls showing the age of the place. An added bonus was - MONKEYS!! - They were everywhere. I picked up some monkey nuts and set about making some new friends. Wild monkeys can get a little scary - our friend John looked terrified, more so than B!! After you get used to them though, you can quite happily hold out a few nuts and let them come up and take them from you.

Anyway - the next day we went to Melaka. We have seen numerous museums and churches, all 14-15th C. Some good eating holes and - a swimming pool!!! You can imagine my excitement - after a whole day of walking in the blazing sun, trying to get round the crowds of people generated by the Muslim holiday - a dip in the pool would be a fitting end to a very hot and sweaty day.

Closed - everything is bloody closed. arse

Still - we are in a V nice hostel and have been treated to numerous celebration cookies and some good pirate VCD films. The place is a lot quieter - but there are some characters staying there. A rather rounded English guy called Peter, who has the most incredibly posh tone about him, enjoys telling everyone about the world and places he's been. Some of it funny stuff, some of it incredibley arrogant and just plain - well, bollox.

This is probably the last Asia report going on the site from myself - so I guess it is time to folder this section off... (sniff sniff) Asia is an amazing region, and although I feel we have done a lot given the time here - we have not covered more than 10% of it.

I am definitely coming back here again - there is so much more I want to see. Although I think we are all sad to see it go, we're also very excited about Xmas in Oz - and most of all.... CAMPERVANS!!! I have so many plans for the 'Phantom Tapper' - it's going to have a paint job and full stereo system fitted even if it means working over new year (in a pub of course).

We'll see - take care all, and Merry Xmas!!


Sam and Roz - we'll be seeing ya, don't work too hard back at uni...

John - Dovrack the big, blond, buggering Hungarian will be visiting you unless you stay in touch.

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~ 18/12/2001 -Julia ~

Full Size Version

Julia... 'Hello from Melaka'

....hello everyone - how is the weather there??!! Mum says it's been snowing...well, a steady 30+ degrees here, so no fear of snow yet!!

Anyway, thought I would send a quick note before me return to Singapore tomorrow. We are currently in Melaka (Malaysia) - a city that has a lot of history, a ridiculous amount of museums and a HUGE shopping centre. What they don't sell in there, you don't need!!!

We are staying in a guesthouse that is apparently the cleanest in Malaysia (they make you take your shoes off as soon as you get in the door), but that didn't stop us coming eye to eye with a cockroach in the boy's room (or more accurately, appearing from Bhav's bag!!) on our first night!! But, the place is really nice, you can get tea (which almost tastes like PG Tips!!) at any time, and there is plenty of hot water. We are also central to most things, which is handy. Have had some extremely hot weather here in Melaka over the last few days, but I think this is mild compared to Perth in December (our next stop).

What have we been up to?? Well, a lot of it has been hampered by the fact that most things are shut for the Hari Raya celebrations, but we have managed to do a lot of sightseeing of the local churches and sights. Yesterday afternoon, the guest house owner invited everyone to the cafeteria area for cakes and cookies (the traditional way that they end their Ramamdam fast) - they were really tasty and a nice change from Curry!!! This evening we have been to a Light and Suond show, which charts the history of Melaka.....hmmmm, a "different" experience to say the least!! It is a fairly new concept in Melaka, but I believe there are similar attractions in Egypt......all the most important buildings are centred around the stand where you sit and are lit up as the story unfolds. The accents were quite hard to understand, but it was interesting!! We went to a coffee shop afterwards and indulged in Cheesecake - consequently, we all now feel pretty sick!!!

Tomorrow, I am dragging Marie and Bhav out of bed early to go on a cruise down the Melaka river......we also have a coach booked to take us to Singapore tomorrow afternoon, so this is our last night in Malaysia. From Singapore, we fly onto Australia on 20th Dec - and we are all v excited!! Xmas on the beach!!!

Well, hope that everyone is ok and looking forward to Xmas - I'll write again soon, but keep those emails coming.



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